Robert Pattinson

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Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse

April 8, 2010

Ashley Greene Comments of Eclipse

Ashley comments of Eclipse scenes

Ashley Greene explained in a recent interview with MTV that mid-March called it to ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement) in Eclipse. It is a process used in the movies post-production to bend the phrases that require it. So that stakeholders can read his sentences correctly, it shows them complete material. Thus, Ashley could see several scenes of Eclipse. Keep reading to see what you think of them ^ ^

"A month ago, I met David Slade and did everything from ADR," recalled Greene. "And every time I do ADR, is as," why not spend the scene?. "I need to see the full scene"

Of course, imagine that any good Twilighter would do the same. As a result of this thorough approach Ashley to ADR work, has been the first to enjoy some of the future classic scenes of Eclipse.
"" I could see a lot of material", said Ashley".And looks really amazing.

"For example, the wolves are amazing in this film," said Greene, adding that the bestial transformations of Jacob Black and his companions have improved much to New Moon. "In the film were, of course, we always try to overcome us but here look incredible."

"In addition, fight I've seen scene is really incredible, said Greene of another of his favorite moments of the film, which is expected to provide more action and blood than any previous films in the series. "We work hard to do so".
Noting later, added: "Definitvamente I think there is a scene in particular between Jasper, the character of Jackson, and mine, Alice, I think that going to like everyone".

With only just over two months until the early film, Ashley left the series fans some encouraging words:  "I think that no one will be disappointed".

Eclipse banner

Eclipse banner

Twilight, New Moon Picture

Twilight, New Moon Picture

Green Eyes

Green Eyes

The New

The New